Domestic Travel To National Parks

Domestic Travel To National Parks

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COVID-19 has changed the way we look at travel.  In the past we were always thinking about travel and other countries in order to experience something that wasn’t like our own home.  Most of us were so enthralled by other cultures that we would completely ignore the unique and beautiful elements of our own country in exchange for a trip to a place like Europe.  Now with a global crisis of contagious disease being difficult to contain due to international travel, we find that the interest level of Americans to travel domestically inside the United States in order to experience some of the unique elements their own country has to offer is becoming more popular.  Each area of the United States is unique, and will have its own specific elements that make visiting it something special.  But the United States has a hidden gem that many other countries do not have in our unique series of national parks which are spread throughout the country.  This system provides Federal funding in order to maintain and protect these areas, making sure that they are not destroyed by development of any kind.  They are available to be toured by anyone who wishes to see them, and all you need to do in order to experience some of the most spectacular scenery on earth is to arrange for a way to get there.  Unfortunately, this is the only real challenge to visiting national parks in the United States, but they are relatively remote and are not directly accessible to major cities.  This means that you are going to need to either drive yourself to get there or arrange for someone else to do the driving for you.

One of the best travel hacks that can be found with regards to the national parks that are located in the southwestern portion of the United States is to fly into Las Vegas and use it as a starting point.  If you are traveling domestically from the east coast, it can take up to three days to get from your home to the Grand Canyon if you are driving.  If you were to fly into Las Vegas from your home on the east coast you could make it to the city in about 5 hours, only to be picked up any specific point in the city by a tour company who will then provide all of the transportation and specifics necessary to get you to the areas like Bryce and Zion as well as the Grand Canyon.  This simple travel hack can save you upwards of four days of road travel across the desert, which can be quite difficult to drive on your own.  With all of the extra time on your hands you can have a few days vacation in Las Vegas, or even arrange a tour that will visit other areas like Monument Valley or even Antelope Canyon.  Tour companies that operate out of Las Vegas offer numerous different products for any timeframe and budget.