National Park Tour Companies Currently Operating

National Park Tour Companies Currently Operating

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We remain open an operational during the pandemic, even though the majority of companies like ours that provide tours of national parks have suspended operations until such time as they can operate in their usual capacity, or they have gone out of business altogether.  This is primarily because of the reduced amount of tourist traffic that is coming from foreign countries to the United States period as flights and other methods of transportation from outside the country into the U.S.  become more difficult as a result of the corona virus, we find that tour companies have been unable to operate in a capacity that would provide them with a profit.  What this means is that you need to have a certain amount of people in each war bus in order to have that tour be profitable.  Generally this is bound to be a number between 12 or 14 and up, and since the majority of groups are not made up of families with that many members, different groups are brought together into a single vehicle for transportation.  This does not give the ability to have enough space in between guests to provide safe social distancing, which means that the tour company either needs to lose money on that particular trip or not operate at all.  Many companies have decided that they would simply not provide a tour that they could not make a profit on, however we have decided that it is in our customers best interest for us to reduce the amount of people in each vehicle so as to provide a safe distance in between them.  We also offer privatized tours of only four people or more from the same group, even though we needed that number to be 14 in the past.  This means that the typical family of four can buy all of the seats in a van for the same price that they would be to purchase four seats on a group tour.  By privatizing the tour itself, we give you the ability to not be exposed to groups outside of your own.  We also offer the self drive option for the majority of our tours which will give you the ability to operate your own vehicle and follow a tour driver while being connected to a mobile application.  This gives you all of the safety of operating your own vehicle without outside parties involved while still being involved in all of the aspects of our national park tours.  Our general tours will also be taking safety precautions over and above even those offered by the CDC, and completely sterilizing sanitizing all of our vehicles before tours and requiring all guests to be temperature checked before entering the vehicle.  Masks and social distancing will be required, and all were communal aspects of that war will be modified to be single use personal items.  It is our number one priority to keep our guests safe during this unique time, and we’re willing to make our own sacrifices to make this happen.

If you would like more information on the precautions that we have taken for our guests, contact us immediately.