National Parks And Domestic Travel

National Parks And Domestic Travel

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As the health crisis in the United States plays out, we’re seeing a higher interest level from those who live inside of the United States to visit and travel to other areas of the United States.  This is probably because of the dangers that have been posed by international travel and other cultures that may not have the same level of hygiene or healthcare that we do inside the United States.  For whatever the reason, the lore of traveling outside of the United States has begun to wane, and people are expressing more of an interest in learning about the unique elements that are right here domestically.  One of the main areas of interest that people are finding out about are the national parks that we have throughout the United States.  The national park system is a unique program where the Federal government actually owns and operates the land in order to keep it protected from development.  This creates a barrier and a buffer in order to keep some of our most beautiful and unique aspects of the country from being destroyed forever.  It also allows for anyone who has an interest in seeing these unique areas for themselves to do so.  All you need to do is arrange some form of transportation from where you are to the park itself.  This is probably the only drawback to the national parks in the United States, that they are relatively remote and are going to take a little bit of time to drive to.  One of the best travel hacks can be had with regards to domestic travel and the national parks inside of the United States is to fly into a starter city like Las Vegas in order to begin your trip.  This will give you the advantage of not having to drive so far from your home in order to get within a decent range of the park itself.  For example, if you wanted to visit Zion Canyon National Park you can fly into Las Vegas from anywhere in the United States and then arrange for transportation through a tour company to take you from the city to Zion Canyon.  Many are unaware that Zion is located only two and half hours from downtown Las Vegas, and if you want to add to that trip you can make it to the Grand Canyon in only a few hours more from Zion.  That means that with the added time that you might have on your hands because you are not spending a driving from somewhere like the east coast, you can actually visit both Zion and the Grand Canyon in the same time frame and not compromise any of the time that you had scheduled for exploration inside of the parks themselves.  Most people are not going to regret cutting away at the drive time, and even few were going to argue that letting someone else do the driving for you is a bad thing.  Booking a domestic flight into Las Vegas in visiting the southwestern national Parks from there is a trip that all Americans should make.