Death Valley Is A Unique Experience

Death Valley Is A Unique Experience

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Death Valley is universally recognized as one of the most unique places on earth, boasting the hottest temperatures in the world consistently.  The only other places that can be compared to death valley as far as extreme weather are the deserts located in the Middle East, and as a matter of fact there is a continual challenge to the world record he temperature that was set in death valley in 1913 from the areas in the Middle East.  In 1913, furnace creek in Death Valley recorded the highest temperature of the air ever seen on earth 134°, and this is the very thing that makes Death Valley what is.  Extremely hot summer temperatures and almost no rainfall create an environment that is not barren as you expect, but instead has created a situation where thousands of species of plants and animals have adapted over the years to be able to survive in these extreme temperatures.  Another aspect of Death Valley is quite difficult to comprehend is the fact that Badwater Basin is located at a point that is 282 feet below sea level, and only 84 miles away is Mount Whitney which is the highest point in the United States and 14,505 feet.  These types of situations made Death Valley one of the most unique experiences in the world, and also make it one of the most popular tourist destinations of any national park in the United States.  An additional aspect it probably helps the pores and numbers is the fact is located only two and half hours from Las Vegas on the border of California and Nevada.  While it is located in Eastern California in Northern Mojave Desert, it is located close enough to Las Vegas to make it appealing that wars to would like to take only a short period of time out of their schedule of tour in Las Vegas and also visit one of the most unique natural environments in the world.  As a result of this interest, numerous tour companies have created packages that will take you from your Las Vegas hotel to Death Valley for an entire day of touring, then return you that night to the city.  For this reason, one of the most popular questions that tour companies are asked her what time of year you the best to visit Death Valley?


The best time to visit death valley for the tour that will be considered exploration instead of simply sightseeing use during the winter or spring time and this is because the weather is not nearly as hot as it is during the summer and get you will still see the same landscape that has been shaped by the heat that you would if it was over 100°.  This is going to give you for more opportunities to explore the area on your own instead of just taking pictures of it, which is going to allow you to fully experience for yourself this incredible and beautiful area of the country.