National Parks Around Las Vegas

National Parks Around Las Vegas

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In order to fully understand and appreciate national park system of the United States, the best thing you can possibly do is to simply start visiting national Parks that are around you.  Many people are unaware but how the system works, but in a nutshell the National Parks System overseas and operates 62 protected areas in the United States which are known as national Parks.  The national park service is the division of the department of the interior, in order for an area to be known as a national park you must be recognized through an act of Congress.  This will give the area protected status as well as providing Federal money the loot words that operations of the area has not only a tourist attraction but also to provide protection against encroachment and development from private industries.  The organic act of 1916 established a national park service as a bureau of the government which will protect and conserve the natural historic objects and wildlife within specific regions in order for it to be appreciated by future generations.  Previous to this point, there had been several attempts at the creation of national monuments through the antiquities act, but only through the establishment of a government agency dedicated specifically for the purpose of running and protecting these areas were we able to fully roll out the national park system as we know it.  Anyone can visit the national Parks of the United States at anytime that they want, you do not even need to be a citizen to do it.


One of the reasons that opponents to the protection of Federal Land will push back every year that is low tourism numbers and a high costs associated with been maintaining of these areas.  They would like to see Federal funding cut for these areas and also see them opened up to development by private industry, and their main argument is that the amount of tourism medicine is not able to justify the amount of cost on a Federal level.  The reasoning behind lower tourism rates than might be expected is that the national Parks are generally located in remote areas that are not nearby to developed cities.  This means that you have to drive a certain distance to get there, and as a result you will not see the higher levels of tourism that you might see elsewhere.  But through awareness campaigns we have seen increases in the amount of visitors to these parks every year, in perfect example being Zion Canyon National Park which has reached record levels of tourism.  It is located only two and half hours from Las Vegas, and this may be one of the contributing factors that is coming into play with regards to the amount of traffic that is now being seen within the park.  People are able to but that war from Las Vegas to Zion and be back on the same day down while and them to take only a short timeframe out of their vacation and still experience one of the most beautiful areas of the country.