Tour Death Valley In Winter

Tour Death Valley In Winter

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If you are planning a trip to Las Vegas in your future and you are the type of person who enjoys them now and exploring the natural landscapes that the United States have to offer, are you aware that one of the most unique landscapes on earth is actually located only about two and half hours from the city?  We’re talking about Death Valley national park which is an area of desert located in Eastern California on the Nevada border.  Not only is this the desert, is one of the most unique desert areas on the face of the earth because it boasts some of the hottest temperatures in the world as well as the lowest elevations.  The area is located in the Mojave Desert, and as far as heat goes the only other areas that can be compared to it by the deserts of the Middle East.  In furnace creek in 1913, the hottest air temperature ever recorded on earth happened when the hair reached the temperature of 134°and was measured by modern instruments.  While there are continual challenges from all over the world of this record, it is universally accepted as the hottest temperature than it’s ever been recorded on the face of the earth.  In addition to this unique aspect, Badwater Basin is the lowest elevation in North America at 282 feet below sea level.  What is completely interesting is that when exploring Badwater Basin you can find seashells that are thousands of years old, from a time when the area was actually covered with water.  All of these features blend into the landscape has extremely hot summers and short winters, featuring soaring temperatures in the summer and periodic times during the cold months than freezing temperatures will be reached.  This creates a unique environment that is not barren as one would expect, but instead thousands of species of plants and animals have adapted over the thousands of years they have lived there, adapting to the environment almost no water and extreme temperatures.  This creates a unique landscape look of low and tough than plants that have roots that go extremely deep into the earth.  So if the environment is that harsh, why would anyone want to tour it?


Two were in death valley during the winter and spring months is unique experience because you get to see the way the landscape looks when it is molded by extraordinary heat, but you don’t have to deal with the heat that caused it.  This means that that wars that are generally more sightseeing during the summertime can become more exploration based, allowing people to spend time outside environment interacting with it in the way that they want to.  It isn’t about taking pictures and just looking at the landscapes as much as actually experiencing them for yourself, which would never be possible during the peak of summer.  For this reason, it is accepted that the best time to tour Death Valley is in the winter.